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Welcome to the Morgan State University Scholarship Opportunities Homepage.
Students may apply for scholarships each semester (Fall & Spring) through the MSU AcademicWorks website. The Fall scholarship application opens on May 15th and the Spring scholarship application opens on January 2nd. The scholarships awarded are funded through contributions from Alumni, Faculty & Staff, Campus Organizations, and Corporations.

Who Can Apply?

  • To apply for scholarships through AcademicWorks, applicants must be incoming Freshmen or transfer students admitted to Morgan State University, or current Morgan State University students who are registered for classes for the applicable term.

How Do I Apply?

  • If you are an Applicant or Scholarship Administrator, sign in to AcademicWorks using your MSU login credentials. If you need help with your login or password, please click on trouble signing in.
  • To apply, you must complete the General Application, which will retain information used to qualify applicants for scholarship opportunities. Once the General Application has been completed, AcademicWorks will automatically match the applicant to scholarship opportunities that they are eligible for, based upon their General Application information.
  • All Scholarships require the applicant to be in financial need to be considered.
  • There may be scholarships available that require you to provide more information or have specific criteria you need to complete. Scholarships with the word “Apply” in the action column (once you have signed in) will require further action from the applicant, to be submitted for review.

How Will I Know If I Have Been Selected to Receive a Scholarship?

  • If you are selected to receive a scholarship, you will be sent an email with the requirements that need to be completed to be awarded the scholarship.
  • Completing a Thank You Letter or other items may be required before you will be awarded the scholarship. Requirements for each scholarship may vary.
Opportunities Table
Award Name Actions
Varies Clarence W. Blount Endowed Scholarship Fund
For this scholarship, the requirements consist of a Maryland resident,...
Varies Class of 1947 Endowment
Requirements include a need for financial assistance.
Varies Class of 1950 Scholarship Fund
Requirements include an Information systems, or Secondary Education...
Varies Class of 1952 Endowed Scholarship Fund
Requirements consist of a need for financial assistance. a need for...
Varies Class of 1953 Scholarship Fund
Requirements include a SCMNS (School of Computer, Mathematical, and...
Varies Class of 1954 Endowment
Requirements include a need for financial assistance.
Varies Class of 1955 Scholarship Fund
Requirements include A full time student who is a sophomore or above,...
Varies Class of 1956 Endowment
Requirements include a need for financial assistance.
Varies Class of 1957 Endowed Scholarship Fund
Requirements include, a Business School student, in need of financial...
Varies Class of 1958 Endowed Scholarship Fund
Requirements include a need for financial assistance.
Varies Class of 1959 Endowment
Varies Class of 1960 Endowed Scholarship Fund
Requirements consist of a Full time Junior or Senior, with a 2.5 GPA or...
Varies Class of 1961 Endowed Scholarship
Requirement consists of a 2.5 GPA or above and a need for financial...
Varies Class of 1964 Endowed Scholarship Fund
Requirements consist of a student in need of financial assistance.
Varies Class of 1965 Endowed Scholarship Fund
Requirements consist of a need for financial assistance.
Varies Class of 1966 Endowed Scholarship
Requirements include a need for financial assistance.
Varies Class of 1968 Endowed Scholarship Fund
Requirements include a need for financial assistance.
Varies Class of 1969 Endowment
Student Based Projects on an as-needed basis determined by the VP of...
Varies Class of 1970 Endowed
Requirements consist of a student in need of financial assistance.
Varies Class of 1971 Endowed Scholarship Fund
Requirements consist of a need for financial assistance.
Varies Class of 1972 Endowed Scholarship Fund
Requirements consist of a student in need of financial assistance.
Varies Class of 1976 Endowed Scholarship Fund
Requirements consist of a 2.5 GPA or above, and in need of financial...
Varies Class of 2007 Endowment
Requirements include a need for financial assistance.
Varies Clement & Lola M. Davis Endowed Scholarship Fund
Requirements include a Mathematics, Political Science, or History major,...
Varies Col. Daniel H. Joyce Endowed Scholarship Fund
Requirements consist of a Junior or Senior enrolled in the MSU ROTC...
Varies Collen C Dupree, Jr. Endowed Scholarship Fund
Requirements consist of an African American male with a 3.0 GPA or...
Varies Comm College Leadership Doctorial Prog - CCLDP
Varies Consortium of Information & Telecommunications Executives Scholarship aka CITE
Requirements include a need for financial assistance.
$0.00 Construction Management Scholarship Fund
Requirements consist of all construction management majors...
Varies Cornelia Wang HSU Endowed Award in Academic Excellence aka SCMNS
Requirements consist of a Student majoring in SCMNS (Scinece,...
Varies Cove Point Natural Heritage Trust Ruth Mathes Scholarship
Varies Crankstart Re-Entry Scholarship Program
Varies D-Red Dvelopment Endowed Fund
Requirements consist of a student in need of financial assistance.
Varies David M. Karangu Endowed Scholarship fund
Requirements include a need for financial assistance.
Varies David Shockley Endowed Scholarship Fund
Requirements include a student from Carroll, Frederick or Howard County...
Varies Deacon J.A. Brown Endowed Scholarship Fund
Reuqirements consist of a Graduate of Halifax County High School in...
Varies Delores Carter Endowment
For this scholarship, there must be a need for financial assistance.
$0.00 Design Collective Architecture
Architecture Major with a 3.0 GPA or Above In need of financial assistance
Varies Design Collective, Inc. Endowed scholarship fund
Requirements include an Architecture Major with 3.0 GPA or above, in...
Varies Dolores L. Alston Curtis Endowed Scholarship Fund
Requirements consist of a student pursuing the Pre-Professional Program...
Varies Dolph H. Torrence Endowed Scholarship Fund
Requirements consist of a full time incoming Freshman, majoring in SCMNS...
Varies Donald A. and Paula L. Wright Endowed Scholarship Fund
Requiremens consist of an Undergraduate Social Work major, who is in...
Varies Donald and Jennye Patterson Endowed Scholarship Fund
Used for MSU Choir Scholarships. Conway
Varies Dorothea Arvin Rawlings Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Requirements consist of an Elementary Education major. Preference to...
Varies Dorsey R. Thomas Endowed Scholarship Fund
Requirements include a need for financial assistance. HIGH SCHOOOL –...
Varies Dr. Andrea Kidd-Taylor Environmental Health Endowed Fund
Requirements consist of a School of Community Health and Policy student,...
Varies Dr. Andrew and Mrs. Amy T. Billingsley Endowed Scholarship
Requirements consist of a second semester junior, majoring in...
Varies Dr. Earl S. Richardson Endowed Scholarship Fund
Requirements include a need for financial assistance with academic...
Varies Dr. Edmonia T. Yates Endowed Scholarship Fund
Requirements include a Full time undergraduate student with a 2.5 GPA or...
Varies Dr. Elton P. Maddox, Jr. Endowed Scholarship Fund
Requirements consist of a Biology major, who is in need of financial...